014 Why Devs don’t TDD


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014 Why Devs Don’t TDD

Honestly, doing TDD isn’t that hard, although if you listen to how a senior developer bemoans to his management why they can’t do TDD on their software, you’d think you’d need to have a team of geniuses to succeed.
But plenty of new developers pick the practice up and accelerate so it isn’t about being smart or experienced enough. The reasons of why developers fail to adopt TDD are varied. We’ll explore the common ones in upcoming episodes staring:
Vanilla Pop: “But if we add tests as we write the code, we’d capture developer intent.”
Junior Joe: “Would you believe I’ve got 5 unit tests for that method?”
Code-Dog: “You what? Did you say write tests *as* you build the code? You mean after you build the code, and only if you’ve got some time left before the Sprint ends.”
Big Pic architect: “I don’t want to just test code, I want to test systems!”
Horst the PO: (German scientist) “Ja, we have ways of making you build more functionality. We start with by enforcing a NO Unit TEST POLICY!”
Jose Wisenheimer: “You say I should run Unit tests? Unit tests? We don’t need any stinking unit tests! We get the quality without those stinkers!”
Next episode, Vanilla Pop and Code Dog experience TDD FUD spreading.


Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
014 Why Devs don't TDD

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