Define full SAFe framework https://www.scaledagileframework.com/#
Examples Mapping by Matt Wynne https://cucumber.io/blog/bdd/example-mapping-introduction/
INVEST User Stories: https://agileforall.com/new-to-agile-invest-in-good-user-stories/
How to use Three Amigos with BDD: https://automationpanda.com/2017/02/20/the-behavior-driven-three-amigos/
Interested in Agile at your big company but struggling to resolve headaches?
- Is trying to do the usual Scrum or Kanban templates causing a lot of problems when more than one team is involved?
- Are you having trouble getting your management to align around what you see as obvious solutions?
- Do you want to learn about Systems Thinking and Whole Product Focus but find what you’re reading is uninspiring and boring?
- The business novel, Agile Grande, will teach you these skills through dramatic story telling.

Scrum Master Kartar takes a job to improve a logistics company’s adaptability. But efforts to scale Agile practices are being blocked by Mr. Cherneski, a vice president who’s organized the company into siloed pigeon holes in order to secretly make millions with a dark web shipping service. Kartar’s life is in danger. He goes underground. A spy agency hunts Kartar….
The following concepts are covered in this dramatic story: scaling Scrum with LeSS, systems thinking, organizational design, systems modeling, and how to develop a transformation plan that your organization can actually do.
Get a pre-release copy of Agile Grande for free at LeanPub.com.