This is the second series of Agile Framework Fight night. This fight night was hosted in Seattle by Beyond Agile. Like the first Agile Framework Fight Night, we brought together another winning panel of experts to represent the frameworks of DA, Fast Agile, LeSS, and SaFE. Agile Framework Fight Night, the SECOND SERIES happened at Beyond Agile, transmitted from Seattle. You can find Beyond Agile at Meetup.com here: https://www.meetup.com/BeyondAgile/
The expert panelists are:
Ricardo “Dad of Doom” Garcia from Team DA
This “Dad of Doom” has over 30 years of industry experience and has implemented and managed numerous software projects using Agile Practices for Fortune 500 companies. His work has been featured in white papers, cover stories in magazines, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and Agile expert panels. He is the organizer behind Seattle Disciplined Agile Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Disciplined-Agile-Meetup/
Ron Quartel AKA “Crocodile Ron-dee”
Software Crafter, Disruptor, Pioneer and Intrapreneuer. On a mission to unleash the human spirit in the workplace. Founder of FAST Agile. https://www.fastagile.io
Viktor “the Simplifier” Grgic
Viktor is an Agile Coach, software developer and Certified LeSS trainer with 17 years of experience in delivering enterprise systems and Agile adoptions. He worked first 15 years in The Netherlands, and since 2013 in Hong Kong. https://less.works/profiles/viktor-grgic
Barry “The Blizzard” Smith
Is a member of Unify’s Lean-Agile practice, and committed to helping product teams to enjoy a better way of working and delivering exceptional value to their customers. His over 25+ years of working in technology has shown him that innovation can be fostered anywhere, from startups to Fortune 500 firms. https://www.linkedin.com/in/barrylsmith/
Lancer “Unkind” Kind, moderating
“Unkind” lives in Kirkland, and loves nothing more than writing micro tested software. For the last five years he has delivered consulting services in China, India, as well as the USA. He’s a publishing author of science fiction and Agile Noir, a project management business novel. He’s podcasting at Agile Thoughts, 敏捷理念 (the Chinese edition of Agile Thoughts), and SciFi Thoughts. His Agile at scale business novel is “continuously delivered” via Lean Pub at: https://leanpub.com/AgileGrande
The questions:
In this second series, we will fight over the following questions and also some posed by the audience:
* What’s a single *must do* for your framework?
* How can teams go beyond what is prescribed in the framework?
* How does your framework manage dependencies?
* How do you know/decide when to create another team?
* How do you decide what the team size should be?
* What is the typical organizational impact of adopting your framework?
* Live Audience questions
Here is a link to the Beyond Agile event in Meetup which contains comments about the fight night: https://www.meetup.com/BeyondAgile/events/278739571/
Hungry learn more about being agile in a large enterprise in this fun Fight Night Format?
You can listen to the first Agile Framework Fight Night series here: https://agilenoir.biz/en/agilethoughts/agile-framework-fight-night/