271 Agile in the C-Suite—The AI Disruption

You can contact Arvind Rathore on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arvindrathore

Articles authored by Arvind:

Pulse Agile Work from Anywhere: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/agile-work-from-anywhere-environment-arvind-rathore-/?trackingId=nZIb7v2HR4KL6xlW4f7%2Btg%3D%3D

CIO Tech Outlook Team Organization Models for 21st Century Companies: https://www.ciotechoutlook.com/magazine/Team-Organization-Models-for-21st-Century-Companies-WZRW842286006.html

Unicorns and Dinosaurs: https://yourstory.com/2018/08/unicorns-vs-dinosaurs

Impact of organizational debt in building: https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/impact-of-organizational-debt-in-building/id1511786719?i=1000539223120


Past Shows mentioned in this Episode:

Accelerate product ownership with POPal: https://agilenoir.biz/en/agilethoughts/popal-ai-to-assist-you/

Learning Scrum or Agile doesn’t have to be boring! Enjoy learning from this project management comic series!

Agile consultant Ace takes on the hard clients so you can learn from his misadventures.

JoeColantonio.com – Joe Colantonio says:
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Click the comic cover above to see what’s available on Amazon. (Bonus: Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited get the first episode of each storyline free.)

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
271 Agile in the C-Suite—The AI Disruption

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