195 Teaching With Cyber-Dojo

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Agile Thoughts
195 Teaching With Cyber-Dojo

CyberDojo is at http://Cyber-Dojo.org Jon Jagger can be contacted on Twitter: @JonJagger Jon Jaggers blog: http://jonjagger.blogspot.com CyberDojo’s GitHub: https://github.com/cyber-dojo/cyber-dojo A video presentation from Jon about Cyber-Dojo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPiACJVY4fA Mentioned in this episode: The Alan Turing Trust: https://turingtrust.co.uk FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

194 Tips for training via Cyber-Dojo: repeating the same exercise, DEEP Retrospectives, feedback loops

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
194 Tips for training via Cyber-Dojo: repeating the same exercise, DEEP Retrospectives, feedback loops

CyberDojo is at http://Cyber-Dojo.org Jon Jagger can be contacted on Twitter: @JonJagger Jon Jaggers blog: http://jonjagger.blogspot.com FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

193 Introducing the best tool for Running Coding Dojos: Cyber-Dojo

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
193 Introducing the best tool for Running Coding Dojos: Cyber-Dojo

CyberDojo is at http://Cyber-Dojo.org Jon Jagger can be contacted on Twitter: @JonJagger Jon Jaggers blog: http://jonjagger.blogspot.com FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

025 作为开发者,如何熟练掌握TDD?

025 作为开发者,如何熟练掌握TDD?

最重要的几点: * 开始实践 * 如果某个问题难度太大:暂时保留下来,之后再回过头来重构代码 下面的情况说明你已经熟练起来了: * 一天8小时已经能写出很多个测试了 * 能重构4个较长的函数或者类,并让它们通过测试 * 很不喜欢收到跳过测试的建议 * 已经快一周没用过调试器了 下面的情况说明你已经非常精通了: * 能教会他人如何熟悉TDD * 你的团队项目有很高的代覆盖率了(高于80%),并且还在持续提升 * 团队的技术负债在每一轮冲刺中不断降低 开发者要熟练掌握TDD,必须得经历的那些事情: 先编写测试代码,再写产品代码。之后,你的大脑会形成条件化的思维,也就是形成一个新习惯。40/4挑战是一种培养新习惯的方法。它的意思是在4周的时间段里,写出40个单元测试。之后,你会在TDD上取得突破,并变得熟练。你在代码编写中会遇到好些困难,并发现困难通常都能通过先进行微测试来解决。你会发现一两个自己难以解决的问题,但没关系,继续努力。4周过后再来重新解决这个问题, 这时候你已经成为了专家,能用你条件化的思维来平衡测试与产品代码了。在回顾微测试提供的快速反馈时,你感到非常享受。你开始注意到你开发出了更多的功能,而且在修复有问题的代码上花费的时间越来越少。 开发者熟练不起来的常见原因有哪些? 14到22集的IT戏剧《敏捷思维》中,我们列出了几个原因。毫无疑问,最常见的原因,就是开发者对于已有的思维定式太过于习惯和舒适了。“我不先写代码,就没法写出微测试来。”这种思维定式让他们不愿意战胜自己来尝试新事物。然后,不舒适的感觉让他们继续自己既有的固定思维,跳过了要先写的微测试,直接编写代码。但这样反而让通过测试和实现功能的周期更长,也更冒险,因为你老是会遇到问题却没有任何头绪。 下一集会讲述一种“调皮或优雅”的方式来计算团队速度,由敏捷教练Brandon Linton带给大家。

192 The Inefficiencies of the Very Good Stuck Developer

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
192 The Inefficiencies of the Very Good Stuck Developer

Special guests from a developer community of practice (by order of appearance): Ron Quartel, Jeff Hoover, Len Greski, Dan Davis, Butch Howard, George Walters A video where David frames the problems software development: https://youtu.be/_yAS89JZnhY David Scott Bernstein can be contacted via twitter: @dbernstein David’s company, To Be Agile: https://tobeagile.com Here is a link to David’s book: https://pragprog.com/titles/dblegacy/beyond-legacy-code/ A …

191 Beyond Agile and Refactoring and the Debate about Measuring the Effect

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
191 Beyond Agile and Refactoring and the Debate about Measuring the Effect

Special guests from a developer community of practice (by order of appearance): Ron Quartel, Jeff Hoover, Len Greski, Dan Davis, Butch Howard, George Walters A video where David frames the problems software development: https://youtu.be/_yAS89JZnhY David Scott Bernstein can be contacted via twitter: @dbernstein David’s company, To Be Agile: https://tobeagile.com Here is a link to David’s book: https://pragprog.com/titles/dblegacy/beyond-legacy-code/ A …

190 Measuring the Positive Outcomes of Refactoring

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
190 Measuring the Positive Outcomes of Refactoring

Special guests from a developer community of practice (by order of appearance): Ron Quartel, Jeff Hoover, Len Greski, Dan Davis, Butch Howard, George Walters A video where David frames the problems software development: https://youtu.be/_yAS89JZnhY David Scott Bernstein can be contacted via twitter: @dbernstein David’s company, To Be Agile: https://tobeagile.com David’s book: https://pragprog.com/titles/dblegacy/beyond-legacy-code/ Ron Quartel’s Good Reads notes to …

189 What it means to be “Beyond” Legacy Code

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
189 What it means to be "Beyond" Legacy Code

Special guests from a developer community of practice (by order of appearance): Ron Quartel, Jeff Hoover, Len Greski, Dan Davis, Butch Howard, George Walters A video where David frames the problems software development: https://youtu.be/_yAS89JZnhY David Scott Bernstein can be contacted via twitter: @dbernstein David’s company, To Be Agile: https://tobeagile.com David’s book: https://pragprog.com/titles/dblegacy/beyond-legacy-code/ Mentioned: Frequently Forgotten facts of Software …

188 David Scott Bernstein’s book Beyond Legacy Code

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
188 David Scott Bernstein's book Beyond Legacy Code

A video where David frames the problems software development: https://youtu.be/_yAS89JZnhY David Scott Bernstein can be contacted via twitter: @dbernstein David’s company, To Be Agile: https://tobeagile.com David’s book: https://pragprog.com/titles/dblegacy/beyond-legacy-code/ Special guests from a developer community of practice (by order of appearance): Ron Quartel, Jeff Hoover, Len Greski, Dan Davis, Butch Howard, George Walters Link to Ron Quartel’s Good Reads …

187 Avoiding the Blind Spots, The Employee-Coach Handbook

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
187 Avoiding the Blind Spots, The Employee-Coach Handbook

Francie Van Wirkus: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francievanwirkus/ You can get your copy of The Employee Coach Handbook here: https://www.amazon.com/Employee-Coach-Handbook-strategic-employee-coach-individual-ebook/dp/B09DGQ4C2C Francie is a co-host on Agile Bettys: http://agilebettys.com/ Francie publishes on Medium: https://medium.com/@FrancieVanWirkus/intentional-words-d3215490f40b Francie’s Youtube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQaEVUJuupfvuOA6v-hI6TA Francie Van Wirkus’ Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Francie-Van-Wirkus/e/B007URSGPM?ref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.