176 Getting a Software Team to be Consistent

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
176 Getting a Software Team to be Consistent

Sunil Srivastava, Lee Ackerman, and Lancer Kind also did a series about getting an enterprise of developers to do TDD with only one technical coach. Scaled TDD Coaching is the topic covered by Lee Ackerman, Sunil Srivastava and Lancer Kind: https://agilenoir.biz/en/agilethoughts/scaled-tdd-coaching/

175 Why ALL Work Tracking Tools Suck but Troy’s Blocked App can Help

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
175 Why ALL Work Tracking Tools Suck but Troy's Blocked App can Help

Troy’s article on—Managing Blockers and Dependencies using “Blocked” (free): https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/events/17-managing-blockers-and-dependencies-using-blocked-free You can buy a license to Blocked here: https://blockedapp.com/f/5-15%25-process-efficiency A video from Troy about Blockers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0WH75d4Oyg You can find Troy’s free resources such as spreadsheets, here: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/support/ Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis

174 Forecast, Predictability, and why do our Tools Suck

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
174 Forecast, Predictability, and why do our Tools Suck

Troy’s article on—Managing Blockers and Dependencies using “Blocked” (free): https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/events/17-managing-blockers-and-dependencies-using-blocked-free You can find Troy’s free resources such as spreadsheets, here: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/support/ Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

173 Troy Magennis shares a Failure Story in Forecasting with Metrics

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
173 Troy Magennis shares a Failure Story in Forecasting with Metrics

You can find Troy’s free resources such as spreadsheets, here: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/support/ Troy’s Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Troy-Magennis/e/B00318V75A?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1640913039&sr=8-1 Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy wrote this article: https://medium.com/@troy.magennis Troy was interviewed on this video show: https://youtu.be/kicbluukPms Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

172 How to look like a Star Executive, the REAL Job of Forecasting, and Fixed Deadlines

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
172 How to look like a Star Executive, the REAL Job of Forecasting, and Fixed Deadlines

You can find Troy’s free resources such as spreadsheets, here: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/support/ Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy wrote this article: https://medium.com/@troy.magennis Troy was interviewed on this video show: https://youtu.be/kicbluukPms Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

024 让整个组织实施TDD

024 让整个组织实施TDD

上一集,我们讨论了如何让团队实施TDD,也就是用微测试来发展他们的代码。让一个团队实施TDD非常有帮助,因为这样展示了TDD的实施不仅可行,而且很有价值。下一步是如何让整个组织采纳实施TDD。没有组织的接受,在管理层或者产品负责人更换的时候,TDD就有可能被否决。这种事情随时都有发生:团队自己发现了新事物的价值,管理层换人了,不理解团队的做法,于是开始干预,并停止了相应的做法。所以,组织的采纳是对TDD未来价值的确认。这样能使TDD成为公司文化、雇佣政策和职业路径的一部分。在一个团队成功展示了TDD的价值之时,就是全面实施TDD的时候了。 步骤一、让顶层人员熟悉相关情况 包括有关的管理人员、架构师以及产品负责人 管理层应该了解实施TDD需要的付出和会有的回报,这样他们就不会以负面的形式进行干预。开发人员最不喜欢实施TDD时的不确定性。挑战包括让管理层、架构师和产品负责人熟悉TDD时,这三类人群有着完全不同的需求和对TDD不同的看法。因此,传递的消息、目的和技术对话的效果都应当有所不同。 步骤二、进一步实施 开发者需要学会如何使用单元测试库,如何重构代码,如何设置连续整合服务器,以及如何采用先编写测试的设计。这些在起始阶段都会减慢开发者的速度。即使管理层已经作出了决定,开发人员也会按照自己的想法接受或者反对TDD。虽然并不需要每个人的同意,各团队需要40%到60%的开发人员有使用TDD的意愿。增加甚至长达数年的学习激励,可以让态度“还不明朗”的开发者开始先试用TDD几个月。根据我的教练经验,这足以使TDD新手变得熟练。 我见过较好的实施方法包括,副总为每位开发者分配奖金,团队的领头人负责确立一些可实现但又有挑战性的TDD实施目标。这样,也就确定了微测试数量的目标。如上一集提到的40/4挑战一样,目标是需要在两三个月的时间段里,让开发人员实现熟练掌握TDD的效果。 步骤三、设置标准 设置标准会成为团队对任务完成最低的定义。一种便捷的方式,就是让标准透明可见,容易通过连续整合展开。下面是一个例子: * 拥有一台连续整合服务器 * 服务器必须执行编译步骤,并让其可见 * 服务器必须执行微测试,并让其可见 * 服务器必须执行微测试的代码覆盖率评估,并让其可见 * 服务器必须执行宏测试,并让其可见 * 不能交付未通过测试的代码 * 服务器必须执行设计负债,并让其可见 * 新代码必须有90%的代码覆盖率 最后的一项对有大量历史遗留代码的情况较为困难,需要花费数年甚至数十年的时间来达到90%的代码覆盖率。因为任何理由都不可能让我们一切都从零开始来重写代码。添加到历史代码库的新类应该有很高的代码覆盖率,但是在用连续整合服务器实施检查时会较为困难。 步骤四、可持续的系统 雇佣政策需要直接地针对熟悉TDD或是对学习TDD持开放态度的人。在目前的情况下,招聘反对TDD的开发人员是不合适的。这样的招聘行为只会导致他们与同事之间的压力,以及增长整个组织负面的状况。因此,可以把TDD和结对编程作为面试的一个步骤。在实施级别薪酬的组织里,把测试自动化和代码重构作为确定级别的一部分指标。 下一集,作为开发者,如何熟练掌握TDD?

171 “Water Mellon” effect and how it adds to the “Homocidal Effect” among Leadership

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Agile Thoughts
171 “Water Mellon" effect and how it adds to the "Homocidal Effect" among Leadership

You can find Troy’s free resources such as spreadsheets, here: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/support/ Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy wrote this article: https://medium.com/@troy.magennis Troy was interviewed on this video show: https://youtu.be/kicbluukPms Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

170 Test Automation for Spreadsheets

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
170 Test Automation for Spreadsheets

Troy teaches how to balance multiple competing dimensions and coach using those (it’s the dimensions you aren’t yet measuring that hurt most). You can find Troy’s free resources such as spreadsheets, here: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/support/ Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy wrote this article: https://medium.com/@troy.magennis Troy was interviewed on this video show: https://youtu.be/kicbluukPms Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR …

169 Metrics for Measuring if Teams Work Sustainably

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
169 Metrics for Measuring if Teams Work Sustainably

Troy teaches how to balance multiple competing dimensions and coach using those (it’s the dimensions you aren’t yet measuring that hurt most). Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy wrote this article: https://medium.com/@troy.magennis Troy was interviewed on this video show: https://youtu.be/kicbluukPms Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis Background: Troy teaches how to balance multiple competing dimensions and coach using those (its the …

168 The purpose of Metrics, with Troy Magennis

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
168 The purpose of Metrics, with Troy Magennis

Troy teaches how to balance multiple competing dimensions and coach using those (it’s the dimensions you aren’t yet measuring that hurt most). Troy’s business: https://www.focusedobjective.com/w/privateevent/ Troy wrote this article: https://medium.com/@troy.magennis Troy was interviewed on this video show: https://youtu.be/kicbluukPms Troy is on Twitter: @t_magennis Background: Troy teaches how to balance multiple competing dimensions and coach using those (its the …