143 TDD Enterprise Rollout with one Tech Coach

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
143 TDD Enterprise Rollout with one Tech Coach

Lee Ackerman’s article: https://medium.com/digit-l/teaching-tdd-experiences-in-pivoting-a285aab82835 TDD Gurus: https://tddgurus.weebly.com Agile Thoughts episode where Sunil Srivastava is interviewed about TDD Gurus: https://agilenoir.biz/podcast/tdd-guru/ Agile Thoughts as more episodes about TDD that are suitable for managers and members of development teams: The TDD Series will take you through the test automation pyramid, why TDD is critical for development teams, and …

142 How Brett Dusek does Design work With Agile Teams

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
142 How Brett Dusek does Design work With Agile Teams

A short video on Story Mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_4SchJgAI4 A long video on Story Mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyGRdC27QqY An article about Story Mapping: https://cardboardit.com/2018/10/user-story-mapping-for-beginners/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAs5eCBhCBARIsAEhk4r6ng6CKuQy9sd8ucsLYNF73dllsQHhpM_K5FjzWDCH65HGW_l38E8gaAvRXEALw_wcB FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

141 Agile Teams, POs, and how Design can get the Short Shrift

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
141 Agile Teams, POs, and how Design can get the Short Shrift


140 Designers and Agile Teams with Brett Dusek

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
140 Designers and Agile Teams with Brett Dusek


139 Katas for DB Developers and Administrators

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
139 Katas for DB Developers and Administrators

Flyway DB migration automation: https://flywaydb.org utPLSQL, a unit test framework for PLSQL developers: http://utplsql.org If you’re interested in having Lancer write an article for doing test driven PLSQL development with the above tools, encourage him by sending him a tweet: http://Twitter.com/LancerKind Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL …

138 What Katas should devs start with, what katas should sysops start with, and what about Network Engineers?

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
138 What Katas should devs start with, what katas should sysops start with, and what about Network Engineers?

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com The periodic table of devops: https://digital.ai/periodic-table-of-devops-tools Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) trail map: https://github.com/cncf/landscape/blob/master/README.md#trail-map Coding Stories (more focused on Dev at this time, but you can contribute others): https://codingstories.io/about Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE …

137 Devops Quandary: stay with Task Oriented Shell Scripts or learn High Level Programing Languages

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
137 Devops Quandary: stay with Task Oriented Shell Scripts or learn High Level Programing Languages

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

136 Automating Infrastructure: Test Drive Outcomes before Developing Automation

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
136 Automating Infrastructure: Test Drive Outcomes before Developing Automation

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

135 Katas for DevOps with Anadi Misra

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
135 Katas for DevOps with Anadi Misra

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 Lisa is a co-author of Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

134 Continuous Delivery is about Testing, Lisa Crispin

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
134 Continuous Delivery is about Testing, Lisa Crispin

Lisa Crispin is a founder of the Agile Testing Fellowship: https://agiletestingfellow.com Lisa is a co-author of Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 Other mentions: Accelerate book recommended by Lisa for Testers to read: https://itrevolution.com/book/accelerate/ Test Automation University course by Lisa Crispin: https://testautomationu.applitools.com/test-automation-in-devops/ Leading Quality book recommended by Lisa to prepare you to speak the language of business …