Lee Ackerman’s article: https://medium.com/digit-l/teaching-tdd-experiences-in-pivoting-a285aab82835 TDD Gurus: https://tddgurus.weebly.com Agile Thoughts episode where Sunil Srivastava is interviewed about TDD Gurus: https://agilenoir.biz/podcast/tdd-guru/ Agile Thoughts as more episodes about TDD that are suitable for managers and members of development teams: The TDD Series will take you through the test automation pyramid, why TDD is critical for development teams, and …
A short video on Story Mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_4SchJgAI4 A long video on Story Mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyGRdC27QqY An article about Story Mapping: https://cardboardit.com/2018/10/user-story-mapping-for-beginners/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAs5eCBhCBARIsAEhk4r6ng6CKuQy9sd8ucsLYNF73dllsQHhpM_K5FjzWDCH65HGW_l38E8gaAvRXEALw_wcB FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.
Flyway DB migration automation: https://flywaydb.org utPLSQL, a unit test framework for PLSQL developers: http://utplsql.org If you’re interested in having Lancer write an article for doing test driven PLSQL development with the above tools, encourage him by sending him a tweet: http://Twitter.com/LancerKind Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL …
Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com The periodic table of devops: https://digital.ai/periodic-table-of-devops-tools Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) trail map: https://github.com/cncf/landscape/blob/master/README.md#trail-map Coding Stories (more focused on Dev at this time, but you can contribute others): https://codingstories.io/about Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE …
Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.
Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.
Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 Lisa is a co-author of Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.
Lisa Crispin is a founder of the Agile Testing Fellowship: https://agiletestingfellow.com Lisa is a co-author of Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 Other mentions: Accelerate book recommended by Lisa for Testers to read: https://itrevolution.com/book/accelerate/ Test Automation University course by Lisa Crispin: https://testautomationu.applitools.com/test-automation-in-devops/ Leading Quality book recommended by Lisa to prepare you to speak the language of business …