138 What Katas should devs start with, what katas should sysops start with, and what about Network Engineers?

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
138 What Katas should devs start with, what katas should sysops start with, and what about Network Engineers?

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com The periodic table of devops: https://digital.ai/periodic-table-of-devops-tools Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) trail map: https://github.com/cncf/landscape/blob/master/README.md#trail-map Coding Stories (more focused on Dev at this time, but you can contribute others): https://codingstories.io/about Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE …

137 Devops Quandary: stay with Task Oriented Shell Scripts or learn High Level Programing Languages

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
137 Devops Quandary: stay with Task Oriented Shell Scripts or learn High Level Programing Languages

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

136 Automating Infrastructure: Test Drive Outcomes before Developing Automation

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
136 Automating Infrastructure: Test Drive Outcomes before Developing Automation

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

135 Katas for DevOps with Anadi Misra

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
135 Katas for DevOps with Anadi Misra

Anadi recommends these devops katas: https://www.katacoda.com Some sound effects were used from the following FreeSound.org users: Robinhood76, zagi2 Lisa is a co-author of Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

134 Continuous Delivery is about Testing, Lisa Crispin

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
134 Continuous Delivery is about Testing, Lisa Crispin

Lisa Crispin is a founder of the Agile Testing Fellowship: https://agiletestingfellow.com Lisa is a co-author of Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 Other mentions: Accelerate book recommended by Lisa for Testers to read: https://itrevolution.com/book/accelerate/ Test Automation University course by Lisa Crispin: https://testautomationu.applitools.com/test-automation-in-devops/ Leading Quality book recommended by Lisa to prepare you to speak the language of business …

022 TDD和Stack Overflow的专家开发者

022 TDD和Stack Overflow的专家开发者

《黑色敏捷书》简体中文版可在这里购买:https://weidian.com/s/161651986?wfr=c&ifr=shopdetail (《敏捷思维》在背景中播放) Vanilla:呃,你就是Lecter先生吧? Hannibai:Lecter博士。叫我Hannibai就好了。 Vanilla:博士先生,TDD是如何运作的呢,我们可以尝试使用吗? Hannibai:流程似乎非常简单,和开发者熟悉的传统工作流步骤恰好相反。目前我对这样工作的效果比较关注。此外,我还很关注这种工作流的价值。 Vanilla:呃,是的。回到工作流上,你了解这些步骤吗? Hannibai:工作流似乎是,第一步,研究产品代码,发现你想变动的地方。 Vanilla:没错,正是。 Hannibai:第二步,决定具体的设计。考虑是新增方法,还是直接修改已有的代码。 Vanilla:然后呢?关键的步骤是? Hannibai:是的,Clarice。第三步是—— Vanilla:呃,Clarice? Hannibai:请让我继续说,第三步是很有趣的一步。我们并不是直接变动代码,相反,我们会写出—— Vanilla:(很激动地)测试代码! Hannibai:没错,为变动代码所写的微测试。有时候,我们需要改变一个已有的接口,或者写一个新的对象和函数,然后用测试来驱动调用已有代码里的新接口。确定微测试的规格,是实现下一步功能的最简单方法。 Vanilla:(很夸张地)然后呢? Hannibal:第四步,运行微测试,查看是否能通过。观察红色的错误提示。你看见是哪个了没有(严肃地),Clarice? Vanilla:啊哈…… Hannibal:也就是说,微测试的确有可能通不过。但你知道吗,Clarice? Vanilla:啊…… Hannibal: (angrily) There is no sense in writing automated tests that cannot indeed fail! Hannibal:(有些生气的样子)如果所写的微测试100%会通过的话,就没必要写啦! Vanilla True Vanilla:确实如此。 Hannibal:还有第二个原因,你知道不?在我们添加或是修改了产品代码之后,可以观察测试结果由失败到通过的改变。 第三个原因,先写测试,能让你从代码调用者的角度思考。调用代码的人才是新功能的使用者。这不像你自己独自吃掉一个蛋奶酥,很快当。学会用良好的方式编写接口,不可能像吃蛋奶酥一样一下子就好。这一切是一种更高明的代码编写方法。 Vanilla:(觉得尴尬和唐突)呃,好的。听起来挺不错的。我们可以开始了吗? Hannibal:没错。我们把故事分成两部分,一部分要使用TDD,另一部分不用TDD。我们用计时器来测量每个组所花费的精力。 Vanilla:好的,为什么这样做呢? Hannibal:(清了清喉咙)啊,亲爱的Clarice,你看见了没?我们必须了解TDD的确是能节省开发和测试环节时间的。不然何必使用TDD呢? Vanilla:是的,有道理。 Hannibal:计时开始,大家行动吧! (Typing sound.  Music.  Time passes. Ding.) (打字的声音。音乐。时间过去了。叮。) Vanilla:测试已通过。 …

133 Why we XP, with Lisa Crispin

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
133 Why we XP, with Lisa Crispin

Lisa Crispin is a founder of the Agile Testing Fellowship: https://agiletestingfellow.com Lisa is a co-author of Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 Other mentions: The Strangler pattern for legacy code rescue: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/StranglerFigApplication.html FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

132 The Tester’s Mental Shift from Quality Boss in Waterfall to Testing in XP, Lisa Crispin

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
132 The Tester's Mental Shift from Quality Boss in Waterfall to Testing in XP, Lisa Crispin

Lisa Crispin is a founder of the Agile Testing Fellowship: https://agiletestingfellow.com Mentions: Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

131 Lisa Crispin an original eXtreme Programming Tester

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
131 Lisa Crispin an original eXtreme Programming Tester

Lisa Crispin is a founder of the Agile Testing Fellowship: https://agiletestingfellow.com Mentions: Testing eXtreme Programing: https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Extreme-Programming-Lisa-Crispin/dp/0321113551 FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

130 Designers and Agile: Principles to getting Great Design Results

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
130 Designers and Agile: Principles to getting Great Design Results

Kevin Callahan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-callahan-mspod/ Kevin on Twitter: @changesteward Kevin’s company is Interaction Agility: https://www.interactionagility.com Mentioned in this episode: Principles for Designers When shared across teams, the designer plans for near 70% utilization, 30% slack time. Deliver insight rather than artifacts. A designer has empathy for end user so the result is something the market wants AND …