119 Paradoxes in Wonderland, with Geof Ellingham

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119 Paradoxes in Wonderland, with Geof Ellingham

The paper we are discussing, Geof’s paper, is here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/human-centric-agility-coaching-geof-ellingham/?trackingId= You can find Geof’s other work at these places: https://www.geofellingham.com/ and https://www.humancentricagility.org/ 1. The expert paradox Clients hire agile coaches in large part because of their expertise in agile, yet coaching orthodoxy suggests that domain expertise is of low value. The result of this paradox is …

118 Agile in Wonderland: Human Centric Coaching, with Geof Ellingham

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Agile Thoughts
118 Agile in Wonderland: Human Centric Coaching, with Geof Ellingham

The paper we are discussing, Geof’s paper, is here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/human-centric-agility-coaching-geof-ellingham/?trackingId= You can find Geof’s other work at these places: https://www.geofellingham.com/ and https://www.humancentricagility.org/

117 Does SAFe make doing Behavior Driven Development Hard?

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Agile Thoughts
117 Does SAFe make doing Behavior Driven Development Hard?

Contact Mike at: agilecoach@rocketmail.com Full SAFe framework defined here: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/#

116 Systems Thinking on BDD and SAFe

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Agile Thoughts
116 Systems Thinking on BDD and SAFe

Examples Mapping by Matt Wynne https://cucumber.io/blog/bdd/example-mapping-introduction/ INVEST User Stories: https://agileforall.com/new-to-agile-invest-in-good-user-stories/ How to use Three Amigos with BDD: https://automationpanda.com/2017/02/20/the-behavior-driven-three-amigos/

115 Behavior Driven Development at Scale with SAFe

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Agile Thoughts
115 Behavior Driven Development at Scale with SAFe

Define full SAFe framework https://www.scaledagileframework.com/# Examples Mapping by Matt Wynne https://cucumber.io/blog/bdd/example-mapping-introduction/ INVEST User Stories: https://agileforall.com/new-to-agile-invest-in-good-user-stories/ How to use Three Amigos with BDD: https://automationpanda.com/2017/02/20/the-behavior-driven-three-amigos/

114 Gherkin, Three Amigos, and Pair Programing

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Agile Thoughts
114 Gherkin, Three Amigos, and Pair Programing

BDD example: Feature: Robo Call Screening Scenario: known caller Given call is received When it is someone I know Then the call is put through Scenario: unknown caller Given I receive a call When it is someone unknown Then an automated call screener explains that they may press a specific button to put the call …

021 代码覆盖丑闻

021 代码覆盖丑闻

Vanilla Pop:IT团队怎么样呢?我们可以用TDD来实施一次设计冲刺,然后看看情况吗? Horst:我还是坚持我自己不赞成微测试的政策。不过,我很乐意让团队来自己决定如何才能向我交付功能和质量。 代码狗:我不相信TDD。你不能在写代码之前就先写好测试啊。你知道吗?没人会这样做。你想想,不过几周,就会回到老样子,我称之为错误驱动开发。我们调试代码的人就是这样做的。 架构师:我改变了。请教了专家,建议我尝试一下更为灵活的思维。我努力做得更好。不再强加观点给同事。让团队决定,而不是我自己命令他们。一首叫“Kumbiyah”的歌,我们都开始唱唱好吗?Pop是对的。他向我展示了一种方法,所以,我们需要做的就是开始实施。管理层希望我们带头,实现全部代码100%的微测试覆盖。副总已经签发这件事。会有个连续整合服务器来运行它们。我们只需要实施即可。这就是目前的规矩。好运哈。 Jose:(小声说)呃,灵活思维持续不到5分钟。 Junior Joe:(小声说)你认为那会是个新记录吗? 代码狗:啊,这不会发生的。我们不会真地那么做吧?那是质量控制的事情啊。 Jose:我不知道。Vanilla Pop之前的工作很出色。你看过这些测试没? 代码狗:呃…没有,那是Pop的东西呢。 Junior Joe:我觉得有点眉目了。我支持。 Vanilla Pop:谢谢。 架构师:Vanilla Pop和Junior的覆盖率有40%。这是一个小的也是新的单页应用。代码狗也在做TDD,按我的估计,下周我们可实现100%覆盖。我们努力前进吧,伙计们。 (时间过去了。)星期二,50%。星期三,60%。星期四,65%。星期五,85%。(继续前进!)星期一90%。 架构师:不错!我对代码狗的转变印象深刻。他抓住了TDD的精髓。实际上,他处理的代码块实现了100%的覆盖。我提议给他颁个奖。 代码狗:(吃惊了)哇,谢谢! 各位开发人员:(拍了拍代码狗的背。) Junior:干得好! Vanilla:很自豪能认识你。 Jose:对开发者来说很不错了。 Vanilla:他真地这样做到了。 Horst:这是什么情况?我这样滑动屏幕,为什么什么都看不见呢? 代码狗:(尴尬的样子)我知道这是什么情况。我会调试并修复的。 (关门了) Jose:很奇怪。他的代码是100%覆盖的,却似乎是有错误一样。 Junior:也许是个整合的问题?我审阅了他的代码,并建议他在视图层停止调用I.O.。不大量使用虚构的对象,就没法进行微测试。 架构师:代码狗在哪里?我希望它能适当重构一下代码。他的代码过于占用网络带宽了。 Vanilla:他正在处理一些Horst发现的情况。 架构师:什么?不可能吧!他的代码有100%的覆盖,看看这些漂亮的代码覆盖报告。 Vanilla:是的,真是个奇迹。Junior,你能向大家展示下他的微测试吗? Junior:啊,好的! Vanilla:啊,天呐。图灵的魂魄都会为此震惊的。 Jose:你看看Pop?他不是一个像你这样有个性的开发者。 Junoir:你会认为他的50个微测试什么测试也没做吗?我没有理由不这么想? Vanilla:这些测试是假的。 架构师:这人真不可思议!他只是假装在TDD! Jose:哦,天呐。他居然这样做了。真是疯狂,搞砸了。天呐,糟糕极了! 解说:代码覆盖是分析了解团队的代码自动化进展的好方法。但是如果推进得过快,或是用政策来强制实施,就容易得到虚假的结果。代码覆盖测试工具能让我们了解测试运行的时候哪些代码被执行,但并不能告诉我们自动化的测试是否在起作用。设想一个针对两个数值求和的函数。如果测量代码覆盖时,函数被执行,那么就会有100%的覆盖,但是代码全覆盖并不意味着函数会返回一加一等于二这样的结果。 结对编程或者审阅测试代码可以避免造假。如果你要审阅代码,那么检查微测试代码比检查产品代码更重要。微测试规格体现了开发者的意图。如果微测试质量足够好,那么我们可以相信能通过测试的产品代码也是高质量的代码。 下一集,TDD和Stack Overflow的专家开发者。

113 Why is BDD a better practice than ATDD?

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Agile Thoughts
113 Why is BDD a better practice than ATDD?

Definition of ATDD (Acceptance Test Drive Development): https://www.kaizenko.com/what-is-acceptance-test-driven-development-attd/ DDD (Domain Driven Development): BDD Resources: Here is a short presentation on the above poster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr34Df2UVzE Podcasts (intro level): Discover the Benifits of BDD: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/testtalks-automation-awesomeness/id826722706?mt=2&i=263278946 Non-iTunes link: http://joecolantonio.com/testtalks/01-lance-kind-discover-the-benefits-of-behavior-driven-development/ Youtube (intro level): A BAs take on why BDD (targeting BAs) by Jeffrey Davidson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9OhjO9U2k&index=3&list=PL15B3F5C539616559 (practitionar level or just …

112 CodeTogether’s Business Model

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Agile Thoughts
112 CodeTogether's Business Model

You can get CodeTogether in IDE plugin marketplaces however you can find it here as well: https://www.codetogether.com Here is a demo video of developers using CodeTogether: https://youtu.be/lZ_zxtMkVqo This is Tim Webb’s company: https://www.genuitec.com Tim is on twitter: @TimRWebb If you want to hear more, this is the series page.

111 How CodeTogether Works and how it’s FAR BETTER than Screen Sharing

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Agile Thoughts
111 How CodeTogether Works and how it's FAR BETTER than Screen Sharing

You can CodeTogether in IDE plugin marketplaces as well as here: https://www.codetogether.com Here is a demo video of developers using CodeTogether: https://youtu.be/lZ_zxtMkVqo A study on Pair Programming with different expertise and tasks: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4052584 There are more papers such as Pair Programming, TDD, and other things related to Agile at: https://ConfessionsOfAnAgileCoach.blogspot.com/2011/09/what-do-studies-say-about-agile.html This is Tim Webb’s company: …