101 How Designers should work with Agile Teams, with Sophie Freiermuth

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
101 How Designers should work with Agile Teams, with Sophie Freiermuth

Contact Sophie on twitter: https://twitter.com/wickedgeekie Her company is BaguetteUX: https://www.baguetteux.com FIND ALL THE EPISODES FOR THIS SERIES AT THE SERIES PAGE.

100 Covid19 Office Tips with Jim Benson—How to Become a GREAT Performing Team

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
100 Covid19 Office Tips with Jim Benson—How to Become a GREAT Performing Team

Jim’s Personal Kanban: https://www.amazon.com/Personal-Kanban-Mapping-Work-Navigating/dp/1453802266 Jim Benson’s training company that has courses on distributed teams: https://modusinstitute.com/courses/ Jim Benson’s consulting company Modus Cooperandi: https://moduscooperandi.com More books from Jim:  Why Limit WIP: We Are Drowning In Work https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KRJFS2Y/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1 Why Plans Fail: Cognitive Bias, Decision Making, and Your Business https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006S3UHGA/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i4 Beyond Agile: Tales of Continuous Improvement https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0989081214/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i6 Attributions: Thanks …

099 Covid Office Tips with Jim Benson—How to get my team to work well?

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
099 Covid Office Tips with Jim Benson—How to get my team to work well?

Jim’s Personal Kanban: https://www.amazon.com/Personal-Kanban-Mapping-Work-Navigating/dp/1453802266 Jim Benson’s training company that has courses on distributed teams: https://modusinstitute.com/courses/ Jim Benson’s consulting company Modus Cooperandi: https://moduscooperandi.com More books from Jim:  Why Limit WIP: We Are Drowning In Work https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KRJFS2Y/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1 Why Plans Fail: Cognitive Bias, Decision Making, and Your Business https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006S3UHGA/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i4 Beyond Agile: Tales of Continuous Improvement https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0989081214/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i6

098 Covid Office Tips with Jim Benson-Who is in my Distributed Team?

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
098 Covid Office Tips with Jim Benson-Who is in my Distributed Team?

Jim Benson’s training company that has courses on distributed teams: https://modusinstitute.com/courses/ Jim Benson’s consulting company Modus Cooperandi: https://moduscooperandi.com

097 Agile Fluency Instead of Assessment

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
097 Agile Fluency Instead of Assessment

Agile Fluency: https://www.agilefluency.org FREE Agile Fluency book: Read the eBook Workshops and events; https://www.agilefluency.org/workshops.php

096 Agile Fluency explained by Diana Larsen

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
096 Agile Fluency explained by Diana Larsen

Agile Fluency: https://www.agilefluency.org FREE Agile Fluency book: Read the eBook Workshops and events; https://www.agilefluency.org/workshops.php

095 Planning Poker to Uncover Business Value

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
095 Planning Poker to Uncover Business Value

Metagality in the year 2020 will have a Denver event on May 7th and 8th. Otherwise, their event calendar is visible at: http://www.metagility.technology Dr. David A. Bishop is Founder and CEO of Agile Worx. He is a technologist, consultant, researcher, entrepreneur, and instructor with over 25 years of experience in telecommunications, transportation, government, and utility …

094 Business Analyst’s shift to Agile

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
094 Business Analyst's shift to Agile

Metagality in the year 2020 will have a Denver event on May 7th and 8th. Otherwise, their event calendar is visible at: http://www.metagility.technology Dr. David A. Bishop is Founder and CEO of Agile Worx. He is a technologist, consultant, researcher, entrepreneur, and instructor with over 25 years of experience in telecommunications, transportation, government, and utility …

019 质量控制人员质疑微测试和TDD

Jose:我从其他组员那里听说了很多你在实施TDD的事情。目前来说,我是唯一的负责质量的同事,不过……你的那些测试只是针对代码的,而我又已经在测试功能了,那么这样做有什么好处呢? Vanilla:呃,你所做的是很多的手动操作。而我们的这些测试是自动化的,而且—— Jose:而且它们是由你们开发人员来编写的?自己编写测试来检测自己所写的代码,似乎意义不大呢?那不是每项测试都能直接通过,因为你们不就是希望测试能通过吗? Vanilla:是像这样的,就像单元测试一样—— Jose:单元测试?更像是奇幻的独角兽测试。你真地认为你们是在测试吗?它们真有什么价值吗? Vanilla:这样的啦,单元测试很快,主要是测试开发者的意图。 Jose:我不需要什么糟糕的单元测试来告诉我开发者的意图。每个开发者都希望自己进行的测试越少越好,这样他们才有时间来编写更多的功能,并在之后进行调试修改。如果每个人都来找我抱怨,我根本顾不上他们,我进行测试的时间都会被缩短一半! Vanilla:Jose你想想,过去4天里,我写了20个单元测试。你知道吗,它们能测试你我所写的每一行代码。 Jose:只是你写的每一行代码。真是条捷径啊!老兄,你需要清醒一点! Vanlla:你再想想,Jose—— Jose:这甚至都不算是秘密啦,Pop!我听产品负责人说过,这些单元测试甚至都不测试功能。那它们能有什么用呢? Vanilla:它们不直接测试功能。直接,这个词很关键!但是,它们会测试代码,实施产品功能的代码。 Jose:听听你自己在说什么,伙计。你太疯狂了。 Vanilla:不是这样的啊! Jose:无论是否是微测试,开发人员来编写测试?这完全是两码事啊,泾渭分明的两码事! Vanilla:打住打住!你觉得开发者没有能力编写测试? Jose:是一个很根本性的问题。因为…等等,我似乎想到了什么。 Vanilla:你到底想说什么呢? Jose:稍等片刻。我觉得,啊,我突然明白了。它来了,没错,它来了!(做出了引用的手势) Vanilla:兄弟,这样好折腾我啊!你真是个…是个可爱的同事。我想请你看看这些微测试的名字,(传来了键盘敲击声)看见这些名字了没,他们…… Jose:(很吃惊地)这些名字就很直截了当地讲明了它们在测试什么。我终于明白了,你们的测试并不只是做做样子。棒极了!你会成为一个优秀的测试人员的。你真是个超人。我开始没弄明白你的逻辑控制链路。把整件事交给其他人,他们会觉得把测试直接交给我比较快当方便。很难得你写了这20多个测试,这并不是你们开发人员的本职工作。你能帮我一个忙吗?如果你们有微测试未通过,能让我知道一下吗?我的上司一直在关注我发现了多少个漏洞。如果这些微测试能有帮助的话,请让我知道,以便我提交它们发现的错误报告。 解说: 用开发人员编写微测试在很多公司里都会有些许争议,传统的看法认为这是质量控制的工作内容。但是,质量控制的功能是准备产品发布,质量控制经理和他的团队通常在开发完成后进行测试。因此,让他们在开发过程中测试,会让他们很困惑。实际上,在TDD里,有小部分测试甚至是在开发前完成的。由于微测试运行得如此之快,像Vanilla Pop这样的开发人员,甚至每天、每个小时,都能完成很多轮测试。这使得开发者能使用测试对所写的代码进行快速的检查,查看他们的工作是否有瑕疵,并在代码提交之前就发现错误。这样的错误检测机制,发生在传统质量控制流程、甚至宏测试之前。这个案例里,TDD实际上缩短了开发周期,使得开发者每天能写出更多的功能,同时犯更少的错误。 因为专门的测试人员会质疑开发者告诉他们的各种想法,Vanilla Pop需要赢得测试人员的支持,并且要让开发者为代码的瑕疵负责,尤其是在他们已经乐于接受编写自动化微测试之后。Jose会继续编写针对功能的自动化验收测试(宏测试),而不是着重关注能向经理提交多少错误计数;关注的重心也不应该是在设计冲刺周期中的开始阶段,编写自动化的宏测试并结合ATDD(验收测试驱动开发),据此报告有多少代码被自动化测试“覆盖”。

093 Embedded Products paired with Agility and Innovation is MetaAgility, with David Bishop

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
093 Embedded Products paired with Agility and Innovation is MetaAgility, with David Bishop

Metagality in the year 2020 will have a Denver event on May 7th and 8th. Otherwise, their event calendar is visible at: http://www.metagility.technology Dr. David A. Bishop is Founder and CEO of Agile Worx. He is a technologist, consultant, researcher, entrepreneur, and instructor with over 25 years of experience in telecommunications, transportation, government, and utility …