252 DevOps Engineer by Day, Real Life Discoverer of Lost Lunar Lander by Night—Shanmuga

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
252 DevOps Engineer by Day, Real Life Discoverer of Lost Lunar Lander by Night—Shanmuga

Glossary:  Vikram is the name of the lunar lander. Chandarayaan2 is the name of the mission. ISRO, Indian Space Research Organisation is India’s space agency. Here is a video of the Chandrayaan 2 mission during the landing of its Vikram lander.  I’ve set the time stamp to a few minutes before the landing problem occured (21km …

251 Assessing a Waterfall Organization for benefits to becoming Agile

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
251 Assessing a Waterfall Organization for benefits to becoming Agile

The slide deck used in this podcast is here: https://AgileNoir.biz/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Assessing-Waterfall-Company-for-Agile.pdf Techniques used: Learn about LeSS at https://less.works

029 TDD对领导力的价值

029 TDD对领导力的价值

Lancer: Sunil Srivastava和我讨论了测试驱动开发对领导层的价值。 Sunil: 从领导的角度来看,他们关注的是我们如何更快、更便宜、更迅速地交付产品,而不仅仅是代码。所以,如果你从这个角度去思考团队如何能够交付高质量、易于改变且成本低廉的代码,尽可能快地完成,这就是测试驱动开发可以帮助领导层的地方。 Lancer: 比如说我是某公司的副总裁,我在考虑进行TDD;我需要花钱请顾问进来,让我的组织掌握这种技能。那我为我的投资能得到什么回报呢? Sunil: 你能够让你的团队更快地行动? Lancer: 那是如何实现的?他们如何更快地行动? Sunil: 因为TDD涉及单元测试,他们能够在代码层面进行测试。所以,如果你能在代码层面进行测试,并且进行多个测试,那么你就减少了对更大的应用进行依赖性测试的需要:回归测试、性能测试和其他集成测试。打破这种依赖性是很重要的,因为其他测试可能需要更长的时间,会拖慢开发交付的速度。所以,如果你不需要为更大的应用创建太多的测试,并且在单元测试层面有信心,你的构建速度会更快。你会更多地使用低层级的测试,不需要进行那么多高层级的测试,这样就节省了维护那些难以维护的应用测试的时间。 Lancer: TDD让你的团队花更多时间编写新功能,花更少时间修复错误,因为错误更少了。 Sunil: 是的。所以从副总裁和领导的角度来看,你关注的是,正如你所说的,团队更专注于新功能的开发,而不是修复错误和重新工作。这降低了项目的持续成本,这意味着我可以更快地交付产品,这才是他们关心的,对吧?所以速度更快,上市时间大大缩短。这就是测试驱动开发从领导角度提供的好处。 Lancer: 当企业想要转向新方向时,TDD也能够使代码更轻松地跟随业务方向而变化。 Sunil: 因为代码编写得易于理解,是模块化的,所以能够更轻松、更快速地进行转变。 Lancer: 为变革制定预算。我觉得我们有点谈到了。所以如果我要花钱雇人来改变我的组织,我需要知道我会得到什么回报。我们说过你将会得到更快的功能交付和转向能力,可能还有其他一些东西。所以归根结底,如果我们要谈论资金,这对你的组织有什么价值呢? Sunil: 你知道,一些团队关注的关键点是,正如我所说的,更快的交付、24/7的运行时间、更高的代码质量、更少的缺陷、更低的成本。我认为这些最终转化为,低成本、更高的交付运行时间以及能够转向。这些是领导关心的事情。我认为这就是你可以向领导展示的。 Lancer: 当我们谈论时,我想到了另一个点。错误库存会减少,趋近于零。 Sunil: 是的。这涉及到技术债务。TDD可以帮助你将技术债务减少90%或80%。我见过一些团队通过实践测试驱动开发,几乎消除了相当于10年技术债务的情况。 Lancer: 跟随TDD大师正在进行的酷炫事物,或者与我们合作将您的企业转变为一个精益、高效、零缺陷的微测试机器。请前往TDD gurus.weebly.com。下一集我们将听取Richard Hundhausen关于Nexus敏捷扩展框架的意见。 Richard: 如果你愿意,Nexus框架只是围绕现有Scrum框架的外骨骼。

250 Component Testing and other features unique to testing Web Apps with Cypress

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
250 Component Testing and other features unique to testing Web Apps with Cypress

Do you have a #Web app to #test? @JordenPowell88 and I discuss using Cypress to easily develop and test web components and the cypress API for making testing the DOM easy. Episode 250: https://buff.ly/3Rtwofw This test tool can be found at https://Cypress.io How to build an end to end test: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/end-to-end-testing/writing-your-first-end-to-end-test#What-you-ll-learn Contact Jordan here: https://twitter.com/JordanPowell88 Listeners of this …

249 Cypress—How Developers can get started fixing their Testing Pyramid

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Agile Thoughts
249 Cypress—How Developers can get started fixing their Testing Pyramid

This test tool can be found at https://Cypress.io How to build an end to end test: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/end-to-end-testing/writing-your-first-end-to-end-test#What-you-ll-learn Listeners of this episode will be also interested in the following series: https://agilenoir.biz/en/agilethoughts/test-automation-pyramid-series/

248 Cypress—Unique Qualities Attracting Millions of Users to WebApp Testing

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Agile Thoughts
248 Cypress—Unique Qualities Attracting Millions of Users to WebApp Testing

This test tool can be found at https://Cypress.io How to build an end to end test: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/end-to-end-testing/writing-your-first-end-to-end-test#What-you-ll-learn

247 Cypress—Leverage the Power of your Browser to Test your Apps

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Agile Thoughts
247 Cypress—Leverage the Power of your Browser to Test your Apps

This test tool can be found at https://Cypress.io How to build an end to end test: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/end-to-end-testing/writing-your-first-end-to-end-test#What-you-ll-learn

246 Sushil Bhattachan Marries AI with Agile Consulting

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Agile Thoughts
246 Sushil Bhattachan Marries AI with Agile Consulting

POPal Jira Plugin: https://tinyurl.com/3pndafps POPal web version: https://popalpro.com/ Company website: https://www.theagilemove.com/ YouTube video on How to breakdown Epic into stories using ChatGPT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3FA7JV0ED8&t

245 How POPal reduces the Labor of the PO

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
245 How POPal reduces the Labor of the PO

POPal Jira Plugin: https://tinyurl.com/3pndafps POPal web version: https://popalpro.com/ Company website: https://www.theagilemove.com/ YouTube video on How to breakdown Epic into stories using ChatGPT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3FA7JV0ED8&t

244 POPal—Clean Formatting and Generate Stories from Features

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
244 POPal—Clean Formatting and Generate Stories from Features

POPal Jira Plugin: https://tinyurl.com/3pndafps POPal web version: https://popalpro.com/ Company website: https://www.theagilemove.com/ YouTube video on How to breakdown Epic into stories using ChatGPT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3FA7JV0ED8&t