243 POPal—Using Generative AI to assist the Product Owner

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
243 POPal—Using Generative AI to assist the Product Owner

POPal Jira Plugin: https://tinyurl.com/3pndafps POPal web version: https://popalpro.com/ Company website: https://www.theagilemove.com/ YouTube video on How to breakdown Epic into stories using ChatGPT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3FA7JV0ED8&t

242 Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4—The Audience Rushes the Ring

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
242 Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4—The Audience Rushes the Ring

This is the fourth series of Agile Framework Fight night.  This fight night was hosted in Seattle by Beyond Agile.  Like the first Agile Framework Fight Night, we brought together another winning panel of experts to represent the frameworks of DA, Fast Agile, LeSS, and SaFE.  Agile Framework Fight Night, the THIRD series happened at Beyond Agile, transmitted from Seattle.  You …

241 How localized are the funding decisions in your framework?—Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4 battles over this question

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
241 How localized are the funding decisions in your framework?—Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4 battles over this question

This is the fourth series of Agile Framework Fight night.  This fight night was hosted in Seattle by Beyond Agile.  Like the first Agile Framework Fight Night, we brought together another winning panel of experts to represent the frameworks of DA, Fast Agile, LeSS, and SaFE.  Agile Framework Fight Night, the THIRD series happened at Beyond Agile, transmitted from Seattle.  You …

240 How will your framework improve the engineering capabilities of my teams?—Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4 battles over this question

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
240 How will your framework improve the engineering capabilities of my teams?—Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4 battles over this question

This is the fourth series of Agile Framework Fight night.  This fight night was hosted in Seattle by Beyond Agile.  Like the first Agile Framework Fight Night, we brought together another winning panel of experts to represent the frameworks of DA, Fast Agile, LeSS, and SaFE.  Agile Framework Fight Night, the THIRD series happened at Beyond Agile, transmitted from Seattle.  You …

239 Why should I lock into your Agile framework instead of working out my own?—Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4 battles over this question

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
239 Why should I lock into your Agile framework instead of working out my own?—Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4 battles over this question

This is the fourth series of Agile Framework Fight night.  This fight night was hosted in Seattle by Beyond Agile.  Like the first Agile Framework Fight Night, we brought together another winning panel of experts to represent the frameworks of DA, Fast Agile, LeSS, and SaFE.  Agile Framework Fight Night, the THIRD series happened at Beyond Agile, transmitted from Seattle.  You …

238 Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4—How does your framework reduce or remove dependencies?

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
238 Agile Framework Fight Night Bout 4—How does your framework reduce or remove dependencies?

This is the fourth series of Agile Framework Fight night.  This fight night was hosted in Seattle by Beyond Agile.  Like the first Agile Framework Fight Night, we brought together another winning panel of experts to represent the frameworks of DA, Fast Agile, LeSS, and SaFE.  Agile Framework Fight Night, the THIRD series happened at Beyond Agile, transmitted from Seattle.  You …



您可以通过邮箱:Brandon.Linton@Accenture.com或者Twitter联系到布兰登·林顿 兰瑟:你的团队一直致力于研究用户需求,然而有时候他们并没有实现所有的需求。在上一集中,我和布兰登·林顿讨论了如何将未完成的需求进度记录到你刚刚完成的sprint中。现在我们将继续讨论,当你把这些未完成的需求或者需求们带入下一阶段计划时,你该如何处理它们。 布兰登:我们总是想尽可能的反映出最真实的情况。如果你知道这个需求是13个点,那么就不要说它是20个点。因为接下来会有两种可能:第一,这个需求变得更小,因为剩下的工作量更少。第二,这个20点的需求现在已经变成40个点了,因为原始的工作量评估是不准确的。 兰瑟:也许企业架构师走过来,说:“不,你需要增加功能,例如申请登录等等…”,那么现在这个需求就难多了。 布兰登:是的,我想我还没有遇到过一个愿意推翻现状的团队。这跟信用无关,只跟它的大小有关。而你又做了多少努力?让我们来谈谈这个场景,它可能比你想象的要大的多,这有助于团队更好的理解工作速度,尤其是当你遇到了一些需要做这种改变的事情。如果这个SDK的实现比我们想象的困难得多,那么就请重新评估它,试着让你的工作速度尽可能的真实,尽可能做出最好的承诺。展示你真正相信的他们的工作速度,或者基于你对他们的深入理解进行速度评估。这种练习将使你更接近持续的、真实合理的节奏。 兰瑟:如果这个需求只剩下3或5个点,你就把它搁置了,然后因为你得到了所有额外的点数,突然间,你的下一个Sprint速度就被人为的提高了。现在你并不能真正的去计划它,这于你的计划无益。 布兰登:是的,你的意思是,如果你完成了一个20点的需求 ,而它实际上只需要付出3个点的努力,那么你就通过虚假的方式提高了你的工作速度;在下一个sprint中,这给你的利益相关者设定了一个虚假的期望。你也可以这样做,对吧?因为你们是一个scrum的团队,对吧?你认为你应该能够维持下去,那么你就是这样惹上麻烦的。 兰瑟:简单来说,在已经完成的工作中,速度等于需求点。当你使用Sprint计划来规划未完成的工作时,不管你在之前的Sprint中已经完成了多少工作,你都必须对剩余的工作量进行重新评估。 兰瑟:布兰登,请问该怎么联系您呢?电子邮件或者Twitter? 布兰登:我现在根本记不起我的Twitter了,它主要是用来发牢骚的。 兰瑟:如果你有任何问题,你可以在推特上对布兰登抱怨,就像我们在这个播客上说的一样,你可以在Twitter上找到他;当然也有可能是布兰登·林顿在 Twitter上搜索你。 布兰登:林顿,L-I-N-T-O-N,但是为了保险起见我再说一下我的邮箱,我的邮件是brandon.linton@accenture.com。 兰瑟:这一集是前一集的延续。请参阅前26集,了解我们谈话的全部内容。


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Agile Thoughts

Buy Profit Streams on Amazon Gorilla coach Joel Bancroft-Connors can be reached at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelbc/ Learn more about the book at http://Profit-Streams.com You’ll also be interested in the series below: Dynamic Value Streams: https://agilenoir.biz/en/agilethoughts/dynamic-value-stream-mapping/ You can get a downloadable copy of this canvas by becoming a contact here: https://profit-streams.com/profit-stream-canvas

236 Scrum with Profit Streams takes Delivery beyond Efficiency

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Agile Thoughts
236 Scrum with Profit Streams takes Delivery beyond Efficiency

Buy Profit Streams on Amazon Joel can be contacted on LinkedIn. Learn more about the book at http://Profit-Streams.com You’ll also be interested in the series below: Dynamic Value Streams: https://agilenoir.biz/en/agilethoughts/dynamic-value-stream-mapping/ You can get a downloadable copy of this canvas by becoming a contact here: https://profit-streams.com/profit-stream-canvas

235 How Luke Hohmann’s Innovation Games was a study in Profit Streams

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
235 How Luke Hohmann's Innovation Games was a study in Profit Streams

Buy Profit Streams on Amazon Joel can be reach on LinkedIn. Learn more about the book at http://Profit-Streams.com You’ll also be interested in the series below: Dynamic Value Streams: https://agilenoir.biz/en/agilethoughts/dynamic-value-stream-mapping/