265 CodeScene connects Bad Code to People Problems

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265 CodeScene connects Bad Code to People Problems

About Adam: Adam Tornhill is a programmer who combines degrees in engineering and psychology. He’s the CTO and founder of CodeScene, where he develops tools for software engineering intelligence. Adam is also the author of multiple technical books, including Lisp for the Web, Software Design X-Rays, Patterns in C, and the best-selling Your Code as a Crime …

264 Fixing Badly Designed Code helps hit Deadlines

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
264 Fixing Badly Designed Code helps hit Deadlines

About Adam: Adam Tornhill is a programmer who combines degrees in engineering and psychology. He’s the CTO and founder of CodeScene, where he develops tools for software engineering intelligence. Adam is also the author of multiple technical books, including Lisp for the Web, Software Design X-Rays, Patterns in C, and the best-selling Your Code as a Crime …

263 Software Design X-Rays and Hotspots

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
263 Software Design X-Rays and Hotspots

Adam Tornhill is a programmer who combines degrees in engineering and psychology. He’s the CTO and founder of CodeScene, where he develops tools for software engineering intelligence. Adam is also the author of multiple technical books, including Lisp for the Web, Software Design X-Rays, Patterns in C, and the best-selling Your Code as a Crime Scene. Adam …

262 Software Quality: At times it’s more Important to Delete code than it is to Add

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Agile Thoughts
262 Software Quality: At times it's more Important to Delete code than it is to Add

Adam Tornhill is a programmer who combines degrees in engineering and psychology. He’s the CTO and founder of CodeScene, where he develops tools for software engineering intelligence. Adam is also the author of multiple technical books, including Lisp for the Web, Software Design X-Rays, Patterns in C, and the best-selling Your Code as a Crime Scene. Adam …

261 Adam Tornhill reveals how good Code Quality is a Massive Competitive Advantage 

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Agile Thoughts
261 Adam Tornhill reveals how good Code Quality is a Massive Competitive Advantage 

Adam Tornhill is a programmer who combines degrees in engineering and psychology. He’s the CTO and founder of CodeScene, where he develops tools for software engineering intelligence. Adam is also the author of multiple technical books, including Lisp for the Web, Software Design X-Rays, Patterns in C, and the best-selling Your Code as a Crime Scene. Adam …

260 Agile Architecture

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260 Agile Architecture

Gregg’s career includes over 30 years of multifaceted experience with a proven track record of architecting global large scale highly available consumer facing solutions in agile ways. He is recognized as a Technical Specialist by Ford Motor Company and held roles ranging from Developer to Architect. Most recently he has applied an Architect perspective while …

259 Revealing the Mysteries of the Enterprise Architect

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Agile Thoughts
259 Revealing the Mysteries of the Enterprise Architect

Gregg’s career includes over 30 years of multifaceted experience with a proven track record of architecting global large scale highly available consumer facing solutions in agile ways. He is recognized as a Technical Specialist by Ford Motor Company and held roles ranging from Developer to Architect. Most recently he has applied an Architect perspective while …

258 Architect practices: Hand crafted Class Diagrams are OUT, better to Diagram the Flow

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
258 Architect practices: Hand crafted Class Diagrams are OUT, better to Diagram the Flow

Gregg’s career includes over 30 years of multifaceted experience with a proven track record of architecting global large scale highly available consumer facing solutions in agile ways. He is recognized as a Technical Specialist by Ford Motor Company and held roles ranging from Developer to Architect. Most recently he has applied an Architect perspective while …

257 Being a Software Architect, with Gregg Ubben

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
257 Being a Software Architect, with Gregg Ubben

Gregg’s career includes over 30 years of multifaceted experience with a proven track record of architecting global large scale highly available consumer facing solutions in agile ways. He is recognized as a Technical Specialist by Ford Motor Company and held roles ranging from Developer to Architect. Most recently he has applied an Architect perspective while …

256 LeSS Case Study of a Large Server Hardware Company, presented by James Carpenter a Certified LeSS Friendly Practitioner (LONG episode)

Agile Thoughts
Agile Thoughts
256 LeSS Case Study of a Large Server Hardware Company, presented by James Carpenter a Certified LeSS Friendly Practitioner (LONG episode)

Lancer’s favorite highlights: listen to at least 20 min in and hear from the client about his experience in how James created a trust and influence loop with Mitya and then how Mitya and the teams realized that they really wanted to operate as empowered teams. The paper (in the podcast I mentioned “slides” but …